Industry Recognition
Going the extra mile
I’ve really worked to build deep relationships with the community in Hatton Garden and the wider jewellery industry. To contribute. To help it grow and develop. And it’s humbling that I’ve received recognition of this. It now spurs me on to do even more...Freeman of The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
In 2012 Amanda was made a Freeman of The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths in recognition of her commitment and contribution to the Jewellery industry.“Amanda is clearly a very passionate member of our industry. She values incentives to support young designers, and is committed to increase awareness of excellence in design and craftsmanship. This has been illustrated by a number of projects she’s been involved in, and personal achievements . I was more than happy to sponsor her application” Clive Burr (Silversmith and Goldsmiths’ Company Liveryman)
The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, more commonly known as the Goldsmiths' Company, is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London and received its first royal charter in 1327.
The Goldsmiths' Company
One of twelve Livery Companies
Goldsmiths' Freeman ceremony
Received in 2012
Getting Started: Goldsmiths’ Centre
This is an annual week long business development programme for recent graduates funded by the Goldsmiths’ Company. Experts from the industry are invited to give talks and answer questions about their professional experiences. Amanda has been invited on several occasions over the years to share her story.
“For a number of years Amanda has been an advocate for designers working alongside skilled craftsmen. These relationships play an important role in the survival of our craft and industry through a willingness to pass on skills, knowledge and expertise” - Peter Taylor (Director of Technology and Training at the Goldsmiths’ Centre)
Talking at Getting Started
The Goldsmiths' Centre
Hatton Garden Business Improvement District (BID)
A BID is a business-led partnership focused on improving and enhancing commercial areas through locally raised funding and investment. Amanda was invited to sit on the The Hatton Garden BID Proposal Board as representative for small jewellery workshops.
Hatton Garden BID
Re-branding Hatton Garden
Hatton Garden BID
A business community working together
The business community overwhelmingly voted for the BID in July 2016, and a five year plan is now in operation. Amanda now sits on the Jewellery Steering group as advisory to the BID Board. She represents designer /makers and the contribution they make to Hatton Garden as a unique visitor destination.
“Amanda shares a great passion for promoting Hatton Garden and its unique story. She is an enthusiastic and positive representative for this sector, and a valuable memeber of Jewellery Steering group” - Gary williams, BID Board Chair