My thoughts, musings and my Inspiration
Here’s a place where I can share interesting things. A journal that tells stories about clients and our work together. That unveils new collections, announces new projects, and introduces collaborations. A space for you to see what inspires me and one where we can connect and engage.
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There is lots to tell you and to celebrate! I'm crowdfunding for a new venture, I've returned to the studio, Rosie's remodelled ring is finished, Lorna has commissioned a ring for her amethyst, Matt has commissioned earrings for Maralina, and Sarah and Matt got married!
Reading time: 5 minutes

Lockdown Life:Corona Diary~Gem 7
A small businesses in a big world of inequalities: Working together for a more compassionate, kinder and inclusive world. Twenty years ago as a single independent young female entering a very male dominated industry, I met men who just saw me as a “little blonde bird” and it was very hard to be taken seriously. But I was never deterred, rose above their patronising and was not shy in voicing my disapproval of the topless women on their workshop walls!
Reading time: 5 minutes

Lockdown Life: Isolation Diary ~ Gem Weekly 6
A small businesses living room lockdown journey: Resilience, perseverance and don't ever give up! There are many people, families and business owners showing incredible resilience at the moment. Some researchers believe resilience is genetic. If that's the case then I must take after my mum...
Reading time: 4 minutes

Treats and offers ~ Little GEM 2

Lockdown Life: Isolation Diary ~ Gem Weekly 5
Creativity = Wellbeing: It’s widely understood that creativity has a positive impact on wellbeing, so it's no surprise the soothing voice of television art instructor Bob Ross and his "happy little trees" and "happy little clouds" is so popular during Lockdown, alongside The Great British Sewing Bee, The Repair Shop and most recently Grayson's Art Club.
Reading time: 4 minutes

Lockdown Life: Isolation Diary ~ Gem Weekly 4
Staying Connected ~ A tangible connection through jewellery: For me, jewellery is about the emotional connection it has to people, places and moments in time.
Reading time: 4 minutes

The story so far ~ Anya's Silver fern bracelet
Rob asked me to design a bracelet for his wife Anya. They have just received their visas to live in New Zealand and would like the design to incorporate the New Zealand Silver Fern whilst staying in keeping with the design of the platinum necklace I made Anya to commemorate their 5th wedding anniversary.
Reading time: 1 minute

Treats and offers ~ Little GEM 1
Happy VE Day! Six weeks in isolation V six years at war. No-one is underestimating the challenges we are facing at the moment, and we can draw some parallels to some of the difficulties during WWII, but on this day 75 years ago, after six years of war the joy in peoples hearts must have been bursting out of their chests!
Reading time: 1 minute

Lockdown Life: Isolation Diary ~ Gem Weekly 3
A "New Normal" - "A New Luxury" ? When we think of luxury, we generally associate it with expensive, extravagant, high end. Living in luxury and leading a life of luxury; cruises, glamorous hotels in exotic location - Richard Branson’s island (has he sold that yet??) Luxury goods; fast cars, yachts, exquisite clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery of course. However, in Lockdown Life are we experiencing new Luxuries?
Reading time: 4.5 minutes